Bundled Service Offerings

Packaged Deals

For Existing Products looking to Optimise Performance.
Basic Optimization
Best for:
Digital Products requiring minor enhancements in technical function and design within the existing product structure who has an in-house team to implement changes, or in tandem with our Product Development Services.
Suggested optimizations for up to 20 screens with up to 3 core product functions.
Current Product Design Files
Assess product in its current state
Provide a detailed report on optimizing within the existing structure, with detailed comments and suggestions for optimisation.
Focus on core functionality and visual style to align with brand identity also taking into consideration user needs with the product flow.
Structural Optimization
Best for:
Digital products in need of significant structural improvements and design refinements who has an in-house team to implement design and development changes, or in tandem with our Product Development Services.
Optimized structural and visual product design of up to 20 screens and up to 6 core product functions.
Current Product Design Files
Assess and report areas where the current structure can be refined.
Provide updated designs within the existing look and feel to align with product objectives.
Develop detailed wireframes, high-fidelity UI designs, and UX improvements.
Incorporate user feedback to refine visual elements and interactions.
Strategic Implementation
Best for:
Digital products in need of a streamlined product strategy with a full product re-design who has an in-house team to implement design and development changes, or in tandem with our Product Development Services.
Streamlined product strategy with a full product re-design - up to 25 screens and up to 6 core product functions.
Current Product Design Files
Evaluate product objectives, market fit, and community requirements.
Develop an optimal implementation strategy, including potential structural and design changes.
Full product design overhaul focusing on innovation, detailed UX/UI design, user journey mapping, and prototyping.
Extensive user testing and iterative improvements.
Complete Product Optimization
Best for:
A product in need of a full-scale product and strategy redesign to optimize performance and market competitiveness, with an in-house team to implement design and development changes or in tandem with our Product Development Services.
Total product and process revamp roadmap with wireframes on design suggestions and optimisations.
Current design files, a brief on how all processes function currently
Conduct deep analysis of design process, development strategy, and design iteration
Establish design systems, streamline product strategy, and provide full redesign
Perform market and competitor analysis, and optimize business strategy to integrate comprehensive solutions for performance and market competitiveness.
**Disclaimer: Each package’s starting price includes up to a maximum of 20/25 screens of chosen product optimization services and up to 3-6 core product functions. Additional work beyond the initial scope may incur extra costs, which will be discussed and agreed upon, before proceeding.
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For Product Ideas still in the Ideation Phase that require an Actionable Blueprint
Basic Design
Best for:
For early-stage products or startups needing initial design concepts and wireframes to establish core functionality and align their visual style with a clear visual product bleuprint for an MVP.

Ideal for those in the ideation or early development phase, our service aligns brand identity and user needs, incorporating key functional elements to ensure sustainable scaling.
Includes up to 20 screens based on an existing CI and product flow, featuring a maximum of 3 product functions, and incorporates 1 round of feedback.
Interpret product brief into an actionable product design blueprint, ensuring the most optimized route to develop your product vision.
After finalizing the product flow, we create basic wireframes and initial UI designs.
We blend core functionality with the existing visual style to ensure alignment with your brand identity and user needs.
Enhanced Design
Best for:
Products in the mid-development stage requiring detailed wireframes, high-fidelity Ul designs, and UX improvements to an already developed product flow chart.                                      

Suitable for businesses aiming to refine their existing product design and incorporate user feedback for better engagement, while improving their product service offering.
Includes up to 25 screens based on an existing CI and product flow, featuring a maximum of 6 product functions, and incorporates up to 2 rounds of feedback.
Interpret product brief into an actionable product design blueprint, ensuring the most optimized route to develop your product vision.
Develop detailed wireframes and high-fidelity Ul designs, which include user experience.
Incorporate feedback to refine
visual elements and interactions.
Comprehensive Design
Best for:
Mature products or enterprises seeking a complete product design direction.

Ideal for existing products needing advanced
UX/Ul design, thorough user journey mapping.

Perfect for products preparing for a major market launch or repositioning.
Includes up to 35 screens based on an existing CI and product flow, featuring a maximum of 9 product functions, and incorporates up to 2 rounds of feedback.
Full product design overhaul with a focus on product innovation and user satisfaction.
Detailed UX/Ul design, user journey mapping, and prototyping.
Develop detailed wireframes and high-fidelity Ul designs, which include user experience.
Incorporate feedback to refinevisual elements and interactions.
Complete Product Optimization
Best for:
A product in need of a full-scale product and strategy redesign to optimize performance and market competitiveness, with an in-house team to implement design and development changes.
Total product and process revamp roadmap with wireframes on design suggestions and optimisations.
Current design files, a brief on how all processes function currently
Conduct deep analysis of design process, development strategy, and design iteration
Establish design systems, streamline product strategy, and provide full redesign
Perform market and competitor analysis, and optimize business strategy and integrate comprehensive solutions for performance and market competitiveness.
**Disclaimer: Each package’s starting price includes up to a maximum of 20-35 screens of chosen product optimization services and up to 3-9 core product functions. Additional work beyond the initial scope may incur extra costs, which will be discussed and agreed upon, before proceeding.
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Product Design Process

Our Approach



We start with a comprehensive discussion to understand your product vision, goals, and specific design requirements. This sets the foundation for a tailored design strategy, ensuring we align with your brand and user needs.



Our team creates a detailed project plan, including timelines, milestones, and deliverables. This phase ensures all stakeholders are aligned and prepared for the design journey. We outline the scope of work for each package:

• Starter Package: Basic wireframes and initial UI designs focusing on core functionality and visual style.
• Elevate Package: Detailed wireframes and high-fidelity UI designs, incorporating user feedback for enhanced UX.
• Trailblazer Package: Comprehensive design overhaul with advanced features, user journey mapping, and extensive prototyping.



We proceed with the iterative design process, developing the product’s visual and functional elements:

• Starter Package: Up to 20 screens of initial product design concepts.
• Elevate Package: Up to 25 screens of refined product designs, including UX improvements and visual refinements.
• Trailblazer Package: Up to 35 screens of advanced product designs, focusing on innovation and extensive user testing.



We conduct final reviews and quality assurance before delivering the fully developed designs. This phase includes providing all necessary assets and documentation for development, along with initial support to ensure a smooth transition and implementation.

For Products with an Actionable Blueprint that is Ready to be Brought to Life.
Starter (MVP)
Basic Product Development
For startups or small businesses in the early stages of product development that know exactly what they want to create, already have their product designs and are looking to develop a MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

Ideal for projects looking for funding or needing to develop core features, integrate basic front-end and back-end functionalities, and conduct initial testing and debugging.
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Existing product design wireframes and product flow
Develop core features and functionalities.
Basic front-end and back-end integration.
Initial testing and debugging.
Advanced Product Development
For companies ready to enhance their existing product with additional features and improvements.

Suitable for businesses aiming to develop a fully functional product with extended features, improved UI/UX based on user feedback, from the foundation of their existing product.
Fully functional product with extended features and up to 3 additional core product functions
Existing product design wireframes and product flow
Develop additional features and enhancements.
Improved UI/UX based on user feedback.
Comprehensive testing and quality assurance.
Initial deployment and monitoring.
Comprehensive Product Development
For established businesses or enterprises seeking a scalable, high-performance product with advanced functionalities.

Perfect for those requiring full-scale development, enhanced security, performance optimization, third-party integration, and ongoing support and maintenance post-deployment.
Scalable, high-performance product
Existing product design wireframes and product flow
Full-scale development with advanced functionalities.
Enhanced security, performance optimization, and scalability.
Integration with third-party services and APIs.
Ongoing support and maintenance post-deployment, optional.
**Disclaimer: Each package includes a specified scope of development. Additional work beyond the initial scope may incur extra costs, which will be discussed and agreed upon before proceeding. These packages are tailored to address various stages of product development, ensuring comprehensive solutions for VCs, founders, and startups. If there are elements in the existing product flow or product design which does not work in practice in the development of the product, additional product design services may be required.
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Full End-to-End product services, for products at any stage of their Evolution.
Ultimate Starter
End-to-end Solution - MVP & Fundraising
Ideal for early-stage startups aiming to develop an MVP and secure funding.

This package offers a complete solution, including brand strategy, business model, MVP design, development, and essential presentation materials for investors.

Perfect for entrepreneurs establishing a strong market presence.
Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Pitch Deck, Website containing all the elements to make it a success.
Brand Strategy and Positioning
Basic brand identity and market fit analysis.
Creative Direction
Initial brand visuals and guidelines.
Business Strategy
MVP business model and fundraising strategy including financial models.
Communication Strategy
Basic messaging and positioning.
Scaling Systems and Implementation
Initial scaling framework included in product plan.
ERP Implementation
Basic ERP setup.
Product Strategy
MVP feature set and roadmap.
Product Design
Basic UI/UX design for MVP.
Product Development
MVP development and initial testing.
Communication & Presentation Collateral
Essential materials for MVP presentation: Product Mock Ups, Pitch Deck, Basic Product Website
Peak Performance Makeover
End-to-end Solution - Optimize
Ideal for established products seeking to optimize their performance and reach new heights.

This package is perfect for companies looking to enhance their brand positioning, streamline business strategies, improve communication, and upgrade product features. Suitable for businesses aiming to boost user experience and market competitiveness through a comprehensive overhaul in strategy, design, and functionality.
Total product optimization in strategy, design, functioning, communication and positioning, with all elements integrated to best position your product for major success..
Brand Strategy and Positioning
Re-evaluation and enhancement of brand positioning.
Creative Direction
Updated creative direction aligned with brand evolution.
Business Strategy
Optimization of existing business strategy.
Communication Strategy
Enhanced messaging and communication plan.
Scaling Systems and Implementation
Advanced scaling strategies for peak performance.
ERP Implementation
ERP system optimization and upgrade.
Communication Collateral
Refreshed marketing and communication materials.
Product Strategy
Strategic adjustments for improved performance.
Product Design
Design enhancements for better user experience.
Product Development
Feature upgrades and performance improvements.
Blueprint to Breakout
End-to-end Solution - Concept to Product
Ideal for visionary entrepreneurs and businesses aiming to launch a fully functional mobile app and website from concept to completion.

This package covers comprehensive brand strategy, creative direction, business planning, robust communication, scaling systems, ERP implementation, and detailed product development. Perfect for ensuring every element is in place for a successful product launch and significant market impact.
Fully functional product on Mobile App and Website from Vision to Full Fruition with all elements present to make your product a huge success.
Brand Strategy and Positioning
Comprehensive brand strategy and positioning.
Creative Direction
Full creative direction and brand identity.
Business Strategy
Detailed business plan and growth strategy.
Communication Strategy
Robust communication and PR strategy.
Scaling Systems and Implementation Comprehensive scaling and implementation plan.
ERP Implementation
Full ERP system implementation.
Communication Collateral
Complete set of marketing and communication materials.
Product Strategy
Detailed product roadmap and strategy.
Product Design
Full product design including advanced UI/UX.
Product Development
Development of a fully functional product with all features.
Innovator's Edge
End-to-end solution - New Product
Best for:
Ideal for businesses or entrepreneurs who have a buisness problem that is in need of a slick product solution.

This package covers everything in the Blueprint to Breakout package with one previous step included: Bespoke solution iteration to solve the product or business challenge at hand to achieve your business objective.
A solution to your specific business problem  in the form of a fully functional product on Mobile App and Website from problem to fully operational savvy business solution.
Ideation of your Bespoke Digital Product Solution
Iteration of the perfect solution to solve your business objective
Brand Strategy and Positioning
Comprehensive brand strategy and positioning.
Creative Direction
Full creative direction and brand identity.
Business Strategy
Detailed business plan and growth strategy.
Communication Strategy
Robust communication and PR strategy.
Scaling Systems and Implementation Comprehensive scaling and implementation plan.
ERP Implementation
Full ERP system implementation.
Communication Collateral
Complete set of marketing and communication materials.
Product Strategy
Detailed product roadmap and strategy.
Product Design
Full product design including advanced UI/UX.
Product Development
Development of a fully functional product with all features.
**Disclaimer: Each package includes a specified scope of development, covering areas such as brand strategy, creative direction, business planning, communication strategy, scaling systems, ERP implementation, product strategy, design, and development. Additional work beyond the initial scope may incur extra costs, which will be discussed and agreed upon beforehand. These packages are tailored to address various stages of product development, ensuring comprehensive solutions for businesses, VCs, founders, and startups.
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Product Optimisation Design Process

Our Approach

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